Diagnostic Assessment

Diagnostic Assessment

In Takween, we use internationally standardized assessments. Our team have the necessary knowledge and expertise to use each assessment according to their specialty. 
They are as follows:

Preliminary Assessments (Screening):

  • Portage-1: This assessment is applied to children aged 0-9 years, providing results that compare chronological age with the child's developmental age.
  • Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale: Applied during the first visit for children over 9 years, it offers a detailed comparison between chronological age and developmental age.

Clinical Psychology Assessments:

  • WISC-IV (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children): Derives the child's general intelligence scores (ages 6-17) for interventional planning.
  • WPPSI-III (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence): Identifies early cognitive abilities and general intelligence in children aged 2.5-7 years.
  • Leiter-3 Intelligence Test: For non-verbal children aged 3 and above.
  • ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised): Initial interview with parents to diagnose autism spectrum disorders in children aged two and above.
  • ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule): international assessment for diagnosing autism after the age of one year.
  • Conners-3: Used for diagnosing behavioral disorders, ADHD in children aged 6-18 years.
    7- Children Depression Inventory (CDI): Ages 6-17.
  • Achenbach: For diagnosing behavioral disorders and sleep problems in children aged 2-5 years.
  • Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI): For diagnosing anxiety.
  • Traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale: Post-traumatic stress assessment.

Speech and Language Therapy Assessments:

  • PLS-5 (Preschool Language Scale-5): Applied to children aged 1.5-7 years to assess
    expressive and receptive language skills.
  • CELF-2 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Preschool): Applied to children aged 8-5 years to assess language skills.
  • CELF-4: Applied to children aged 5-18 years for advanced language skills in expression, comprehension, and communication.
  • Amirah Articulation Test: Examines speech disorders and articulation.
  • SSI3 (Stuttering Severity Instrument): Assesses stuttering and associated secondary behaviors.
  • Jaw Assessment (Talk Tools): Evaluates the performance of speech muscles and organs (mouth, tongue, jaw, lips).

 Physiotherapy  Assessments:

  • GMFM (Gross Motor Function Measure) Assessment: Evaluates motor skills in children with delayed motor development.
  • Tinetti Balance Assessment: Diagnoses motor balance problems in children.

Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration Assessments:

  • Sensory Profile Assessment: Applied to children aged 1-14 years to diagnose behavioral problems resulting from specific sensory influences, especially in autistic children.
  • Portage-2: Assesses fine motor skills in children.

Special Education Assessments:

  • Princess Tharwat Test: Comprehensive assessment of learning difficulties in children from various aspects such as auditory sequential memory, auditory memory capacity, auditory analysis skill, visual analysis, visual-motor integration, and other aspects related to the child's learning ability.
  • ABLLS (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills): Tool for assessing basic learning and language skills in children, with a guiding curriculum indicating the child's capabilities and how to enhance and develop them.