Nutrition Clinic

Nutrition support is an integral part of the care process of children and a complementary approach to provide a holistic service to families.
Proper nutrition can positively contribute to the care and treatment process of children with neurological or psychological needs. Common nutritional comorbidities include undernutrition, growth failure, overweight, micronutrient deficiencies, and osteopenia. Along Takween’s multidisciplinary team, nutritional support will aim to prevent the adverse outcomes associated with feeding difficulties and poor nutritional status.
The clinic offers nutritional assessment, nutrition counselling and advice regarding common dietary concerns including loss of appetite, restrictive/obsessive diets, nutrient deficiencies, and drug-nutrient interactions. The clinic also offers nutritional support for biomedical dietary interventions such as keto diet and gluten-free casein free (GFCF) diet.
This clinic provides:
• Nutritional assessment of child including anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary, and environmental analysis.
• Advice to create a healthy, pleasant eating environment at home
• Provide diet plans for specific cases, if necessary
• Family assistance in meal preparation guidelines
• Continuous evaluation and monitoring
*The clinic is run by nutritionist Sherein Mousa, BSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Birzeit University, Palestine 2015. To learn more about Sherein, click on the following link